Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nickys Ragtales

Planning, planning and more planning sums up the week in hand in the life of a Fashion Agent. Showroom matters include a huge sample clearout and this entails several black sacks of socks and tights, which get de-labelled and dropped to the local charity shop.

I wonder if any of you have had the eerie experience of passing a charity shop and seeing your old clothes in the window? This happened to me last year and they looked even better there, than hanging in my wardrobe. I took a different route home for a couple of weeks, as it was such an odd feeling. It’s true that we have emotional connections with our clothes and shoes. Recent research has discovered that women remember buying their first pair of fashion shoes and this has confirmed that there is a very strong emotional connection with our clothing. We, of course have always known this and it’s what makes us so fascinated and in love with fashion.

Booking my (several) plane tickets I was reminded of my first excursion to London Fashion Week way back when I worked with Red or Dead. Fifteen years ago. A Fashion Week Virgin is the only way I can describe myself. I thoughtfully dressed in what I thought was a suitable ensemble, a cream suit and if memory serves me right a red! Coat. My fringe (as I remember) was blue or orange? I know, I know ! what was I thinking about.

Upon arrival at the queue as I looked around, every single person (bar me) was in top to toe black. The Prada nylon bags were in at the time and to a person there was a Prada fest going on.

I felt like a clown but head held high walked in. One good thing about standing out in the crowd for me that day was that even though I looked like Zandra Rhodes I ended up in a room with Vidal Sasoon where we had a lovely chat and back stage with the models including the one and only Kate Moss. There is life after the wrong clothes after all!. Have a good week ahead.